fearlessly rebuild your relationship with yourself

discover the courage, compassion and freedom to meet the true you beneath anxiety, self-judgment and shame🌻



I’m a qualified counsellor (MSc) and registered member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), and a self-compassion advocate whose passion & purpose is helping people transform their relationship with themselves. I integrate elements of different approaches to therapy, combining Humanistic, psychodynamic, cognitive and behavioural concepts and methods, as well as self-compassion and mindfulness skills.

Through working together, you can:

  • discover deep self-compassion, a meaningful sense of self-worth and elevated self-esteem

  • learn to identify and befriend your self-critical voice

  • release shame and find the safety to explore your shadow selfβ€”parts of yourself you find unacceptable, uncomfortable or have exiled

  • forgive yourself for past actions and find the lesson in everything

  • gain self-awareness around your conditioning, defence mechanisms, core beliefs and behaviour patterns and start making conscious, empowered choices

  • ditch perfectionism and embrace the realness and messiness of being human

  • reclaim your identity from anxiety, trauma and suffering

  • find confidence in freeing yourself from external expectations and comparison, and harnessing self-expression

  • massively elevate your emotion regulation skills

  • stop fearing your feelings and get comfortable with the discomfort of growing and healing

  • fall in love with the process of creating your life

Are any of these resonating with you? Here’s how we can work together to transform your relationship with yourself:

β€œProblems that remain persistently unsolvable should always be suspected as questions asked in the wrong way”
- Alan Watts


Coming soon. On-demand digital workshops consciously created to help you demystify your emotions, behaviours, relationship patterns and sense of self. Gain breakthrough insights into your own experiences by taking a look through the lens of self-compassion.

1:1 Counselling

Where the magic happens. Counselling is at its core a relationship that provides you with the safety, deep support and self-knowledge to be able to make the changes and shifts you desire. Sessions are tailored to your preferences and intentions. Expect a lot of talking, deep thinking, self-reflection, learning new skills and discovering what you truly want life to look like.


A monthly digital newsletter containing a variety of practical tools, strategies and therapy insights to help you transform anxiety and self-judgment into unconditional self-compassion. Your digital dose of self-discovery and transformation.


The feeling that there’s something broken within you is your invitation to tap into your natural self-soothing system.


